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Ready to escape this semi-wretched world for a short bit and enter another through creative storytelling?

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(Note: The drop down menu above allows you to select each story individually, but I’ve given links below for convenience’s sake. The ‘short story audiobooks’ link below will redirect you to the LS YouTube channel.)
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Poetry/Short Story Poems

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A Letter From Shel.

During the height of Covid, while we all sat thumbs-twiddling and minds-racing in our homes, our places of employment temporarily closed down due the pandemic, our sense of up and down in question… I brainstormed. I thought to myself one bleak day, “What can I do to not only keep my own mind occupied and…

“We’re all addicts.” {poem}

We’re all addicts. Whether it’s chemicals fed through a needle’s tip, or consuming food and drink until we’re heavy and sick. Prescription pills and plant medicine – we overindulge to dull pain, again and again. Coffee, cigarettes, sugar, caffeine – retail therapy, “Buy Now”… you know what I mean. Your drug of choice could be…

Purchase your copy of “A Heaping Handful of Horror: A Collection of Original Short Stories” for an exhilarating and imaginative experience and to help support the author of this free channel.

My books are now available for purchase on Amazon.com.